Municipal Affairs
Organizational Units
Policy and Strategy
Organizational Unit
Name |
Phone |
Title |
Kliewer, JD
780 422-8118 |
Director, Policy and Strategy
Cox, Heather
780 644-5281 |
Manager, Municipal Grant Operations
Oleksow, Jolene
780 422-8127 |
Business Analyst
Antwi, Joseph
780 644-2269 |
Policy Analyst
Kunikiewicz, Kasia
780 422-6425 |
Policy Analyst
Wiskar, Shawn
403 297-3947 |
Policy Analyst
Patel, Ashok
780 422-3537 |
Business Analyst
McLean, Marcia
780 422-8829 |
Manager, Evaluation and Reporting
Eleghasim, Michael
780 641-1311 |
Evaluation and Environmental Advisor
Katalambula, Hassan
780 641-9015 |
Evaluation and Environmental Advisor