Organizational Units
Court of King's Bench Judicial
Organizational Unit
Name |
Phone |
Title |
Jamieson, Corinne
403 297-2877 |
Executive Director
Manweiller, H
780 422-2624 |
Deputy Executive Director, Court of King's Bench - Judicial
Fuller, Krystle
780 999-3404 |
Director, Finance & Operations
Ruether, Darryl
403 297-4740 |
Executive Counsel to the Chief Justice and Director - Calgary
Stevenson, Keri
587 215-5603 |
Director, Technology and Court Coordination
Rosin, Brent
780 860-7369 |
Director of Scheduliing and Court Coorinators
Smit-Keding, Alexander
587 982-3940 |
Knowledge Management Specialist
Brink, Nicky
403 297-3099 |
Legal Counsel - Calgary
Coulter, Paige
403 297-5002 |
Legal Counsel - Calgary
Laliberte, Julie
403 592-4728 |
Legal Counsel - Calgary
Nastasi, Rosalia
403 297-8940 |
Legal Counsel - Calgary
Vickers, Suzanne
403 297-5000 |
Legal Counsel - Calgary
Warrack, Lauren
403 297-4741 |
Legal Counsel - Calgary
Kobly, Peggy
780 887-8384 |
Legal Counsel - Edmonton
Shoyele, Benga, QC
780 643-6223 |
Legal Counsel - Edmonton
Jull, Oliver
403 340-7503 |
Legal counsel - Regional
Borsic, Susan, QC
Case Resolution Counsel
Kaminski, Brenda
780 643-0723 |
Resolution Counsel
Pidhirney, Michelle
780 643-0723 |
Case Management Counsel
Sharkey, Elisa
780 643-0723 |
Assistant to Case Management Counsel
Ellery, Michael
403 297-3862 |
Review / Assessment Officer
Brown-Crichlow, Marlene
780 422-1520 |
Review / Assessment Office Assistant
Peach, Lisa
780 422-2311 |
Q.B. Masters Specials and JDR Coordinator
Hinz, Sharon
780 644-7389 |
Civil Court Coordinator
Eschak, Stefanie
780 643-1411 |
Court Coordinator
Perry, Ashley
403 297-6258 |
Civil Court Coordinator
O'Brien, Sheila
403 297-6799 |
Case Management Coordinator
Vossler, Carla
403 381-5455 |
Court Coordinator
Quesnelle, Susan
403 297-6282 |
Criminal Court Coordinator
Hurley, Chrystle
403 340-5220 |
Judicial Dispute Resolutions and Commercial Duty Court Coordinator
Turner, Victoria
780 422-0475 |
Assistant to Court Coordinator
Safadi, Paula
403 297-7575 |
Executive Judicial Assistant
Harris, Barbara
403 297-7007 |
Supervisor /Judicial Assistant
Goldenberg, Ginette
780 422-2293 |
Executive Assistant to the Chief Justice
Kaufman, Kathleen
780 422-2328 |
Judicial Assistant to Masters
Russell, Elise
780 427-1162 |
Bilingual Judicial Assistant
Adams, Stacy
780 427-2549 |
Judicial Assistant
Copeman, Patricia
780 422-9407 |
Judicial Assistant
Ferrer Mills, Michelle
403 592-4724 |
Judicial Assistant
Friesen, Brenda
780 422-2296 |
Judicial Assistant
Mancia, Maria
403 297-2253 |
Judicial Assistant
Ring, Tanya
403 340-5533 |
Judicial Assistant
Robinson, Brittany
780 641-9709 |
Judicial Assistant
Roppelt, Jill
780 422-2323 |
Judicial Assistant
Stanwell, Sia
403 592-4725 |
Judicial Assistant
Traquair, Laura
403 592-4748 |
Judicial Assistant
Turnbull, Shauna
403 297-2407 |
Judicial Assistant
VanZwol, Leslie
403 381-5640 |
Judicial Assistant
Wright, Angela
403 297-8196 |
Judicial Assistant