Jobs, Economy and Trade
Organizational Units
Provincial Operations
Organizational Unit
Name |
Phone |
Title |
Lane, Erin
Manager, Provincial Operations
LeRouzic, Rob
403 998-6578 |
Operations Advisor
Barkley, Ryan
780 644-3377 |
Project Lead
Jacknisky, Victoria
780 538-5112 |
Health and Safety Coordinator
Corrigan, Matthew
780 405-3204 |
Regulatory Review Advisor
Parsons, Brian
780 446-1022 |
Regulatory Review Advisor
Turnbull, Donald
Regulatory Review Advisor
Provincial Operations
Jobs, Economy and Trade
403 529-3527
403 529-3632
403 529-3527
Regulatory Review Advisor
Moore, Stephanie
403 592-2973 |
Provincial Operations Coordinator