Jobs, Economy and Trade
Organizational Units
Training and Employment Services
Organizational Unit
Name |
Phone |
Title |
Becker, Noelle
403 529-3692 |
Executive Director, Training and Employment Services
Howard, Jody
780 415-4944 |
Branch Coordinator
Basom, Randy
780 992-6717 |
Director, Regional Employment and Training, Edmonton/North
Maldonado, Joshua
780 644-1082 |
Manager, Training and Employment Services, Edmonton / North
Caird, Robin
780 849-7227 |
Indigenous Partnership Coordinator, Edmonton/North
Manchak, Dave
780 422-6912 |
Indigenous Partnership Coordinator, Edmonton/North
Gelico, Ariel
780 415-9716 |
Contract Assistant Supervisor, Edmonton/North and South
Buerger, Katherine
780 422-6913 |
Contract Services Coordinator, Edmonton/North
Davies, Stephanie
780 624-6143 |
Contract Services Coordinator, Edmonton/North
L'Ecuyer, Sandra
780 415-6232 |
Contract Services Coordinator, Edmonton/North
Nadeau, Shannon Kristeen
780 849-7223 |
Contract Services Coordinator, Edmonton/North
Prentice, James
780 422-3635 |
Contract Services Coordinator, Edmonton/North
Summers, Shannon
780 422-0908 |
Contract Services Coordinator, Edmonton/North
Ragan, Jason
403 754-6211 |
Learner Benefit Specialist Supervisor
Addison, Mary
780 644-4922 |
Learner Benefits Specialist
Cherriman, Terry
403 388-1948 |
Learner Benefits Specialist
Joshi, Deepshikha
780 644-5026 |
Learner Benefits Specialist
Nawaz, Saira
780 643-9438 |
Learner Benefits Specialist
Nguyen, Sylvia
780 644-8402 |
Learner Benefits Specialist
Tuzlak, Dzevad
403 355-4025 |
Learner Benefits Specialist
McIlwraith, Tammy
403 363-4534 |
Learner Benefits Specialist-South
McDermott, Joan
780 538-5641 |
Indigenous Partnership Supervisor, Edmonton/North
Anthony, Mary
780 833-4755 |
Indigenous Partnerships Coordinator, Edmonton/North
Batt, Keri
780 608-2528 |
Administrative Assistant, Edmonton/North
Espiloy, Blessy
Contract Assistant
Training and Employment Services
Jobs, Economy and Trade
780 641-9769
780 641-9769
Contract Assistant
Murtagh-Watson, Kim
403 340-7044 |
Contract Assistant
Stahr, John
403 529-3535 |
Director, Regional Employment and Training, Calgary/Central/South
Houben, Sarah
403 529-3118 |
Administrative Assistant, Calgary/Central/South
Kipta, Tracey
403 529-3702 |
Manager of Employment and Training; Calgary/Central/South
Barker, Janice
403 754-6264 |
Indigenous Partnership Coordinator, Calgary/Central/South
Kotke, Camille
403 297-2717 |
Indigenous Partnership Coordinator, Calgary and area
Carpenter, Hallie
403 382-4334 |
Contract Services Coordinator, Calgary/Central/South
Chintowa, Anna
403 297-7847 |
Contract Services Coordinator
Dietrich, Jennifer
403 793-6592 |
Contract Services Coordinator, Calgary/Central/South
Hopp, Nicole
403 341-8621 |
Contract Services Coordinator, Calgary/Central/South
McNeil, Kate
403 562-3240 |
Contract Services Coordinator, Calgary/Central/South
Meunier, Kim
403 529-3592 |
Contract Services Coordinator, Calgary/Central/South
Miller, Abidah (Abby)
403 297-4432 |
Contract Services Coordinator, Calgary/Central/South
Scott, Alex
403 340-7043 |
Contract Services Coordinator, Calgary/Central/South
To, Tony
403 297-8727 |
Contract Services Coordinator