Jobs, Economy and Trade
Organizational Units
Regional Employer Supports
Organizational Unit
Name |
Phone |
Title |
Lunman, Rob
403 334-2791 |
Director, Regional Employer Supports
Rollheiser, Kris
780 219-7208 |
Workforce Adjustment Service Coordinator
Delany, Colleen
587 873-6732 |
Basarab, Deanna
780 536-4617 |
Workforce Consultant
Geczi, Lucie
780 289-6197 |
Workforce Consultant
Gillis, Lorna
780 370-7977 |
Workforce Consultant
Kennedy, Moyra
780 360-9111 |
Workforce Consultant
Lorrain, Nicole
403 396-3701 |
Workforce Consultant
Tuts, Kristy
780 268-4756 |
Workforce Consultant
Josey, Kelly
780 974-8537 |
Manager, Regional Employer Supports
Bourelle, Joshua
403 795-6374 |
Workforce Consultant
Lavender-Marsh, Beverley
780 512-4880 |
Workforce Consultant
Blackmur, Karen
403 560-3680 |
Workforce Consultant
Cowling, Jeffery (Jeff)
403 968-3513 |
Workforce Consultant
Marner, Don
Workforce Consultant
Regional Employer Supports
Jobs, Economy and Trade
403 613-0610
403 297-3115
403 613-0610
Workforce Consultant
Melnyk, Carolyn
403 875-5698 |
Workforce Consultant
Olenick, Cheryl
403 852-0441 |
Workforce Consultant
Sjodin, Serena
587 217-2007 |
Workforce Consultant
Smith, Michael
587 873-6729 |
Workforce Consultant
Vargas, Sneda
780 370-0813 |
Workforce Consultant
Willoughby, Clayton
587 257-0531 |
Workforce Consultant