Forestry and Parks
Organizational Units
High Level Forest Area
Organizational Unit
Name |
Phone |
Title |
Jessiman, Terry
780 926-5412 |
Forestry Manager
Ebert, Paul
780 926-7012 |
Senior Area Forester, Acting Team Lead
Gosman, Chris
780 926-7011 |
Area Forester
Sabatier, Brian
780 926-5416 |
Area Forester
Witter, Brad
780 926-5423 |
Communication Technician
Carlson, Alanna
780 926-5425 |
Logistics Coordinator
Brown, Katherine
780 926-5431 |
Wildfire Dispatch Supervisor
Brown, Mitchell
780 926-5421 |
Wildfire Investigator
Shesterniak, Michelle
780 926-5432 |
Wildfire Prevention Officer
Bulldog, Melissa
780 926-5442 |
Wildfire Ranger
Gillies, Sean
780 926-5414 |
Wildfire Ranger
Ashton, Amanda
780 926-5441 |
Wildfire Technologist
Cox, Ken
780 926-5440 |
Wildfire Technologist
Hunt, Kevin
780 926-5419 |
Wildfire Technologist
Smith, Jason
780 926-5402 |
Wildfire Ranger
Davies, Samantha
Wildfire Technologist
High Level Forest Area
Forestry and Parks
780 926-5403
780 926-2656
780 926-5403
Wildfire Technologist
Thompson, James
780 926-5435 |
Bow-Noskeye, Sandra
780 926-5434 |