Forestry and Parks
Organizational Units
Fort McMurray Forest Area
Organizational Unit
Name |
Phone |
Title |
St John, Paul
780 743-7129 |
Forest Area Manager
Fudge, Stephen
587 452-0687 |
Indigenous Engagement Field Officer
Zentner, Jen
780 743-7287 |
Wildfire Operations Officer
Whitbread, Jarret
780 743-7121 |
Wildfire Management Specialist
McGladdery, Becky
780 743-7293 |
Wildfire Logistics Coordinator
Funnell, Kayla
780 743-7298 |
Wildfire Dispatch Supervisor
Boland, Terry
780 713-3565 |
Warehouse Supervisor
Johnson, Scott
780 788-6410 |
Area Forester
Jennings, Kent
780 743-7176 |
Forest Operations Monitoring Specialist
Gammon, Alan
780 743-7209 |
Wildfire Prevention Officer
Smith, Emily
780 743-7341 |
Area Information Coordinator
Haggis, Philip
780 743-7330 |
Wildfire Technologist
Barnett, Rob
780 743-7279 |
Forest Officer
Lavoie, Jody
Forest Officer
Perih, Candace
780 743-7269 |
Wildfire Technologist
Gauthier, Stephen
Forest Officer
Vawter, Christopher
780 788-6446 |
Forest Officer
Schaplowsky, Mark
780 743-7369 |
Wildfire Technologist
Flinn, John
780 743-7347 |
Forest Officer
Schmidt, Michael
780 743-7257 |
Forest Officer
Hrycun, Dean
780 743-7267 |
Wildfire Technologist
Archibald, Quinn
780 743-7266 |
Forest Officer
Taylor, Brandon
Forest Officer
Fort McMurray Forest Area
Forestry and Parks
Forest Officer