Forestry and Parks
Organizational Units
Capital Infrastructure Development and Implementation Section
Organizational Unit
Name |
Phone |
Title |
Song, Hiju
780 292-2487 |
Cariaga, Kristine
780 218-3732 |
Infrastructure Planning Analyst
Woods, Kaitlin
780 918-9645 |
Team Lead, Design, Development and Standards
Brittain, Graham
587 784-5187 |
Development, Design and Standards Planner
Tuzlak, Kenan
780 520-1824 |
Development, Design and Standards Civil Specialist
Reade, Jodi
403 771-5576 |
Manager, Project Management and Delivery
Schmidek, Leah
403 804-4482 |
Team Lead, Project Management and Delivery
Bitz, Barry
403 502-2205 |
Project Manager
Collins, Lindsay
587 582-6581 |
Project Manager
Edwards, Michael B.
587 873-5911 |
Project Manager
Faber, Aaron
403 330-7180 |
Project Manager
Perozzo, Dan
403 783-9913 |
Project Manager
Wong, Emily
Project Manager
Capital Infrastructure Development and Implementation Section
Forestry and Parks
587 873-5824
587 873-5824
Project Manager
Drozd, Charlene
403 851-2210 |
Project Assistant
Quinn, Barbara
403 835-2026 |
Project Assistant
Thomas, Kate
587 545-7768 |
Project Assistant
van Hemert, Tom
780 218-7101 |
Asset Management Coordinator