Forestry and Parks
Organizational Units
Edson Forest Area
Organizational Unit
Name |
Phone |
Title |
Vander Haeghe, Kevin
780 723-8278 |
Forest Area Manager
Freedman, Marc
Wildfire Prevention Officer
Edson Forest Area
Forestry and Parks
780 723-8373
780 723-8373
Wildfire Prevention Officer
Charbonneau, Caroline
780 723-8500 |
Area Information Coordinator
Corbin, Cassie
780 783-3053 |
Wildfire Technologist
Armstrong, Jorel
780 827-6207 |
Forest Officer
Benson, Lars
780 223-4680 |
Forest Officer
Sawicki, Tanya
780 723-8503 |
Wildfire Technologist
Scobie, Pat
780 865-6993 |
Wildfire Technologist
Hamilton, Bernice
780 723-8506 |
Wildfire Logistics Coordinator
MacIver, Braden
780 817-4533 |
Forest Officer
Shaw, Tyler
780 723-8372 |
Forest Officer
Vandermeulen, Sietse
780 865-6963 |
Forest Officer
Glover, Gordon
780 723-8258 |
Wildfire Operations Officer
Erkamp, David
780 723-8368 |
Wildfire Technologist
Johnston, Kevin
780 723-8526 |
Wildfire Technologist
Hausch, Markus
780 723-8271 |
Forest Officer
Hawkins, Heather
780 712-1948 |
Forest Officer
Johnston, Kevin
780 723-8526 |
Wildfire Technologist
Chapelsky, William
780 712-2175 |
Forest Officer
DiFiore, Patti
780 723-8931 |
Wildfire Dispatch Supervisor
Smith, Gary
780 723-8274 |
Warehouse Supervisor
Christie, Dean
780 712-9121 |