Environment and Protected Areas
Organizational Units
Watershed Resilience and Grants Section
Organizational Unit
Name |
Phone |
Title |
Hussey, Morna
780 983-1924 |
Director, Watershed Resilience and Transboundary Waters
Auriat, Denise
780 717-0794 |
Manager, Community Resilience
GC, Satosh
587 341-8750 |
Resilience Infrastructure Engineering Team Lead
Scheu, Jessica
825 733-5197 |
Acting Project Manager
Singh, Vijaypal
780 643-0630 |
Project Coordinator, Bow River Reservoir Options
Scott, Courtney
403 297-3390 |
Resilience Planner
de la Chevrotiere, Carmen
780 427-0710 |
Team Lead, Transboundary
Li, Gongchen
780 422-8464 |
Transboundary Water Quality Specialist
Rokaya, Prabin
Transboundary Water Quantity Specialist
Watershed Resilience and Grants Section
Environment and Protected Areas
403 297-5334
403 297-5334
Transboundary Water Quantity Specialist
Browne, Jacquie
780 238-3905 |
Transboundary Water Advisor
Russell, Colter
587 990-8956 |
Grant Coordinator