Children and Family Services
Organizational Units
Grande Prairie and Area Office
Organizational Unit
Name |
Phone |
Title |
Main Information
780 538-5159 |
Clark, Susanna
780 512-6751 |
Manager, Caregiver Supports - Adoptons
Dennis, Alison
780 831-5969 |
Manager, Caregiver Supports - Kinship
Ashmeade, Alicia
587 343-2046 |
Casework Supervisor, Child Intervention
Baron, Laurie
780 538-5128 |
Administrative Assistant
Bowen, Allen
780 294-9746 |
Child Intervention Practitioner
Callfas, Angelica
780 832-2630 |
Child Intervention Practitioner
Chabot, Kelsey
780 228-7049 |
Child Intervention Practitioner
Chesnutt, Jane
780 933-0921 |
Caseworker Supervisor, Child Intervention
Conners, Janine
780 830-9581 |
Child Intervention Practitioner
Cornish, Diana
780 831-4915 |
Caregiver Practitioner
Crowe, Teresa
780 538-5538 |
Child, Youth and Family Support Worker
DeJong, Connie
780 814-1375 |
Regional Business Administrator
Khoobani, Sepideh
587 340-1310 |
Regional Business Coordinator
Ejikeme, Udochukwu
780 228-6557 |
Child Intervention Practitioner
Ennis, Gloria
780 538-5133 |
Contracts Coordinator
Erick, Charla
780 814-2905 |
Caregiver Supervisor
Eveleigh, Emily
780 512-6143 |
Casework Supervisor, Intake
Dulong, Claudia
780 518-1224 |
Caregiver Practitioner - Adoptions
Glennie, Marlo
587 343-7943 |
Child Intervention Practitioner
Hardin, Valerie
780 897-6866 |
Child Intervention Practitioner
Hines, Shaunda
780 518-5042 |
Child Intervention Practitioner
Howe, Desmond
780 402-5981 |
Child Intervention Practitioner
Larabee, Teri
780 512-6586 |
Casework Supervisor, Child Intervention
Limbaga, Carely
587 297-0348 |
Contracts Administrative Assistant
MacDonald, Carla
780 831-5593 |
Contract Specialist
MacWilliam, Jillian
780 512-6120 |
Child Intervention Practitioner
Magee, Barb
587 343-4667 |
Caregiver Practitioner - Kinship
Maguire, Joanna
Child Intervention Practitioner
Grande Prairie and Area Office
Children and Family Services
780 882-3513
780 538-5137
780 882-3513
Child Intervention Practitioner
Maurice, Cheryl
780 728-5230 |
Caregiver Practitioner - Kinship
Morasch, Ian
780 876-3519 |
Child Intervention Practitioner - Intake
Mpiani, Anthony
780 830-8552 |
Child Intervention Practitioner
Ndumu, Emmanuel
780 933-1272 |
Contract Specialist
Olnick, Cara
780 897-7129 |
Caregiver Practitioner - Kinship
Owie, Greg
780 832-8152 |
Practice Specialist-Placement
Owie, Kelly
587 343-7628 |
Case Aide
Patrick, Glenda
780 538-6273 |
Administrative Team Lead
Price, Jaeden
780 897-0350 |
Caregiver Practitioner - Foster Care
Reddicopp, Loni
780 538-5130 |
Administrative Assistant
Reid, Andrea
780 882-4077 |
Child Intervention Practitioner - Intake
Ross, Glenda
587 297-1520 |
Caregiver Practitioner - Foster Care
Shaw, Kerri
780 538-5598 |
Administrative Assistant
Simms, Kayla
780 284-1542 |
Caregiver Practitioner - Kinship
Sweetnam, Severyn
780 296-6351 |
Child Intervention Practitioner - Intake
Syncox, Jody
587 343-4064 |
Child Intervention Practitioner
Tomniuk, Brad
780 833-4283 |
Child Intervention Practitioner - Intake
Zallum (Lopez Vazquez), Haiet
780 833-4795 |
Administrative Assistant