Energy and Minerals
Organizational Units
Office of the Minister
Organizational Unit
Name |
Phone |
Title |
Jean, Brian, Honourable
780 427-3740 |
Minister of Energy and Minerals
Marciano, Vitor
780 427-3740 |
Chief of Staff
Aldrich, Josh
780 427-3740 |
Press Secretary
Musani, Jennie
780 427-3740 |
West-Hall, Claire
780 427-3740 |
Ministerial Assistant
Jebara, Ahmad
780 427-3740 |
Policy Advisor
Mbarki, Melissa
Policy Advisor
Office of the Minister
Energy and Minerals
324 Legislature Building
10800 - 97 Avenue
Edmonton, AB
T5K 2B6
780 427-3740
[email protected]
780 427-3740
Policy Advisor
Kusch, Rebekah
780 427-3740 |
Executive Assistant/ARTS