Agriculture and Irrigation
Organizational Units
Plant and Bee Health Surveillance Section
Organizational Unit
Name |
Phone |
Title |
Feindel, David, Dr.
780 422-4911 |
Samborsky, Cindy
780 422-1881 |
Section Administrator
Lewis, Tina
780 415-2321 |
Seed Potato Repository Lead
Stevenson, Cameron
780 422-1242 |
Operations Lead
Berry, Jo-Ann
780 422-0750 |
Farm Operations
Cruz, Oscar
780 415-2328 |
Senior Farm Technologist
Harding, Michael, Dr.
403 362-1338 |
Crop Assurance Program Lead
Neeser, Chris, Dr.
403 362-1331 |
Weed Program Lead
Barkley, Shelley
403 362-1350 |
Insect Technologist
Daniels, Greg
403 362-1304 |
Senior Plant Pathology Technologist
Hill, Blake
403 548-2014 |
Plant Pathology Technologist
Feng, Jie, Dr.
780 644-3436 |
Alberta Plant Health Lab Lead
Fu, Heting
780 638-4268 |
Diagnostics Lab Technician
Yang, Yalong
Diagnostics Lab Technician
Plant and Bee Health Surveillance Section
Agriculture and Irrigation
780 638-3998
780 422-6096
780 638-3998
Diagnostics Lab Technician
Zahr, Kher
780 422-0886 |
Diagnostics Lab Technologist
Panasiuk, Alexandra
Senior Lead Apiculture Inspector
de Herdt, Olivia
780 644-8746 |
Apiculture Technician