IQAS – Order duplicate certificates

You can order additional copies of your assessment certificate.


International Qualifications Assessment Service (IQAS) only issues duplicate certificates for the same type of assessment that was previously completed.

A duplicate certificate is an exact copy of the original assessment. IQAS does not update any information on the duplicate certificate except the applicant’s name when necessary. If you need to add a credential to your duplicate certificate, you must apply for a new assessment.

Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) assessments are valid for 5 years and you cannot request a duplicate certificate after 5 years from the date your original assessment was issued. If you need an ECA after 5 years, you need to apply for a new assessment.

Basic, Specialized and Educational assessments are valid for 10 years and you cannot request a duplicate certificate after 10 years from the date your original assessment was issued. If you need a Basic, Specialized or Educational assessment after 10 years, you need to apply for a new assessment.


The cost for each duplicate certificate is $30.

The courier fee for each mailing address is $5.

All IQAS fees are non-refundable.

How to order

Step 1. Before you apply

You will need:

  • your previous IQAS file number (if available)
  • the names and addresses of any institutions or organizations IQAS should send copies to (if applicable)

Step 2. Apply online and pay fees

To request a duplicate copy of your assessment certificate, go to the IQAS application portal:

After you log in to the IQAS application portal:

  1. Click on ‘Request Additional Assessment Certificate’ on the portal main page.
  2. From ‘Application’ drop down field, click on the IQAS application number for which you want to request a duplicate certificate.
  3. Complete all the required fields and submit your request.
  4. Pay the request fee.

Instructions on how to pay your fees are in the IQAS application portal.

Status of your duplicate request

See the status of your request in the IQAS application portal.

Table 1. Definition of status

StatusWhat it means
DraftRequest is incomplete and requires payment
OpenRequest is awaiting processing
ClosedRequest has been completed
CancelledInsufficient payment or expired assessment