Continuing care legislation and standards

Information and resources on Alberta’s Continuing Care Act, regulations and standards.

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Legislation and standards


New legislation is in effect for the continuing care system that will increase clarity regarding services, address gaps and inconsistencies across settings, enable improved service delivery for Albertans, and support health system accountability and sustainability.

The legislation was informed by extensive stakeholder engagement and reviews, including the Facility-Based Continuing Care Review and Advancing Palliative and End-of-Life Care in Alberta.

Continuing Care Act

On April 1, 2024, the Continuing Care Act, regulations (Continuing Care Regulation and Continuing Care (Ministerial) Regulation) and standards came into effect, marking the beginning of a significant milestone in the ongoing transformation of Alberta’s continuing care system. Key highlights of the Continuing Care Act include:

  • replaces multiple acts and regulations with one overarching piece of streamlined legislation for continuing care
  • improves transparency and accountability to Albertans regarding how the continuing care system is governed
  • establishes a consistent approach and alignment of legislated requirements and services across the continuing care system for home and community care, supportive living accommodations, continuing care homes and palliative and end-of-life care
  • addresses gaps in current legislation to give Alberta Health greater authority to effectively monitor and enforce compliance to legislated requirements, including standards
  • enables a person-centered, flexible and innovative system of care

Continuing care regulations

Under the Continuing Care Act, 2 new regulations have been developed to provide the details necessary to regulate all continuing care services and settings (including continuing care homes, supportive living accommodation and home and community care).

These new regulations replace the content of previous regulations that governed continuing care and align the regulatory content with the new act.

Other documents are referenced in the regulations and provide additional information and expectations for the sector, including the continuing care standards in the section below and the following documents:

Continuing care standards

The Government of Alberta sets standards for quality in continuing care through different mechanisms, including legislation and standards.

For continuing care, these standards include:

The Continuing Care Health Service Standards establish the minimum standards in the provision of high quality, individualized health care, based on the assessed needs of each client and resident.

The Accommodation Standards establish the minimum standards of accommodation services, such as meals, building maintenance, security, and housekeeping, social or leisure activities, and resident and family involvement to promote safety, security, and quality of life for clients and residents.



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