Commercial safety rest areas

Commercial safety rest areas can improve safety on Alberta highways.


The Alberta government is providing the opportunity to develop up to 18 government-owned highway safety rest areas along major highways. These improvements will enhance safety and convenience for drivers and support local economic development. Construction is anticipated to begin in 2024.

Interested proponents have until late December 2022 to submit proposals through a negotiated request for proposal (RFP) process. This negotiated RFP stage follows 2 years of stakeholder consultation from municipalities and the trucking industry.

Potential locations

The 18 safety rest areas slated for commercial development include:

Highway Direction Name
1:14 SB Gleichen West Rest Room
1:14 NB Gleichen East Rest Room
1:16 WB Ranchland Teepee Rest Area
1:16 EB Kininvie Rest Area
2:18 SB Dickson-Stevenson Stopping House
2:26 SB Wolf Creek (under Construction)
4:04 NB Warner North Rest Stop
4:04 SB Warner South Rest Stop
16:02 WB Folding Mountain West Rest Stop
16:04 WB Medicine Lodge West
16:04 EB Medicine Lodge East
16:22 WB Ross Creek West Rest Room
16:22 EB Ross Creek East Rest Room
63:04 NB May Tower South Rest Room
63:04 SB May Tower North Rest Room
63:06 NB Crow Creek Rest Room
63:06 SB Mariana Lake Rest Room
63:08 NB Algar Tower North Rest Room


  • Summer 2022

    Negotiated RFP posted.

  • Winter 2022

    Deadline for interested proponents to submit proposals.

  • 2023

    Review and evaluate bids, negotiate and execute a contract with the successful proponent.

  • 2024

    Construction anticipated to begin.


Connect with us about commercial safety rest areas on Alberta highways:

Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 403-340-5209
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)
Email: [email protected]

4th Floor Provincial Building
4920 51 Street
Red Deer, Alberta T4N 6K8