Part of Labour market

Alberta Centre for Labour Market Research grant

Funding for post-secondary researchers to operate the Alberta Centre for Labour Market Research.

New grant awarded

We are pleased to announce that the grant for the establishment of the Alberta Centre for Labour Market Research has been awarded to the University of Alberta. This marks a significant step forward in our commitment to enhancing labour market information for students, employees and employers across Alberta.

Important dates

Applications are now closed.


Under Alberta at Work, the Alberta government is working to improve the labour market information available to students, employees and employers. As part of this enhancement, we are awarding a grant to support the establishment and research activities of an Alberta Centre for Labour Market Research at a post-secondary institution in Alberta.

The centre’s mandate is to provide Albertans with balanced, independent, and credible research and analysis on labour market issues affecting the province. This will be done by:

  • developing and implementing a coordinated research agenda
  • building and maintaining a network that may include researchers at other post-secondary institutions with a focus on labour market issues in Alberta


The Alberta government will provide the centre with a grant of up to $400,000 a year, for 2 years. The allocation of funding will be renewed on an annual basis.

Read the grant template for public bodies to learn about the terms and conditions of the grant.


Principal applicants may submit a proposal only if they are based at an Alberta comprehensive academic and research university (CARU), which includes:

  • University of Alberta
  • University of Calgary
  • University of Lethbridge
  • Athabasca University

Interested researchers at undergraduate universities, comprehensive community colleges, or other publicly-funded bodies are recommended to partner with applicants based at an Alberta CARU.

Learn more about the types of publicly funded post-secondary institutions in Alberta.

Applications must be submitted at the department level, with principal and co-applicants identified. Only one application per department will be accepted. We recommend that you partner with a network of researchers across departments at your institution to strengthen the application.

Submit a proposal

  1. Download and read the Alberta at Work – Alberta Centre for Labour Market Research Grant Application Guidelines
  2. Prepare your proposal, including:
  3. Email your proposal to [email protected] before April 28, 2023.

Proposal evaluation

Our evaluation will be based on how the overall proposal package addresses the following selection criteria:

  • project need
  • project description
  • activities and outputs
  • ability to deliver
  • governance
  • risk management
  • budget


Connect with us if you have questions or need more information:

Email: [email protected]