Part of Agri-business

AgriProfit$ cost of production and business analysis program

This program delivers economic benchmarks to the public and cost of production information to Alberta producers.


AgriProfit$ is a business analysis and research program operated by the Agriculture and Irrigation Intergovernmental and Trade Relations Branch. The primary roles of the program are to:

  1. Deliver sound economic benchmarks and information for the public, government agencies, and academia.
  2. Assist producers in:
  • evaluating their own business' performance
  • assessing production, management and technology options
  • charting their business' course in an economically sustainable fashion

Through the program, farm survey data is used for generating financial statements, customized economic reports and benchmarks. These can differ depending on type of operation.

All data is collected under the authority of section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act and is considered as confidential. Only aggregated, non-identifying information is published and made available to the public or organizations for research purposes.

What you get

Participating Alberta producers can get valuable business information such as:

  • detailed cost of production reports of their enterprises
  • different types of whole-farm financial statements for beef and crop producers
  • economic benchmarks for comparing the enterprise performance to “peers” by region, type of operation, and management practices

This information can be used for farm business planning, and communication with lending institutions and investment partners. Participating producers contribute to the industry and regional research, helping farmers and the industry be more competitive in the future.

All Alberta beef, field crop, dairy, beekeeping and greenhouse crop producers are eligible for enrolment, subject to available funding.


Visit the following for more information and benchmarks for specific enterprises:


Connect with our specialists:
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)

Phone: 780-422-5027
Email: [email protected]

Phone: 780-415-2153
Email: [email protected]

Field crops: 
Phone: 780-422-4056
Email: [email protected]

Beekeeping and greenhouse crops: 
Phone: 780-422-4054
Email: [email protected]

Join the program

Sign up to be part of the program – AgriProfit$ is always open to new participants.

Sign up online

Producer information is collected in strict confidence. Only aggregated, non-identifying information is published.